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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

2024 Calhoun County Comprehensive Planning Process

2024 Comprehensive Plan Complete Draft

The Comprehensive Planning Process

Local governments are authorized, but not required, by the South Carolina General Assembly to develop plans and to adopt zoning and land development regulations.  Local governments cannot enforce zoning and land development regulations unless they first develop and adopt a Comprehensive Plan.  Comprehensive Plans must be updated at least every 10 years and reviewed every 5 years.

The Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act of 1994 required all local comprehensive plans, zoning and land development ordinances conform to the 1994 Act. 

Local governments must establish a local planning commission to begin comprehensive planning.  A county council can create a county planning commission of five to 12 members. The commission’s authority is limited to the unincorporated area of the county.  A county planning commission must conduct a continuous planning program for the physical, social and economic growth, development and redevelopment of the county.  

Comprehensive Plans must include ten specific elements to comply with the 1994 Act.  These ten elements address the following planning areas:

  1. Population
  2. Housing
  3. Land Use
  4. Cultural Resources
  5. Natural Resources
  6. Resilience
  7. Transportation
  8. Community Facilities
  9. Economic Development
  10. Community Investment Priorities

Each comprehensive plan element must be based on surveys and studies of existing conditions and probable future development and must include recommendations for implementing the plans.


Population and Housing

Land Use

Cultural Resources

Natural Resources



Community Facilities

Economic Development

Community Investment Priorities